Tips to get the most from your hot spring soak

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Shower first to remove any soaps, lotions, or deodorants

If they have   a sauna use it first to sweat out some toxins and open your pores for better mineral absorption.

Drink a few cups of the mineral water, to get even more absorption

Avoid adding any new toxins, don’t drink or smoke

You do sweat while in a hot spring, you don’t usually realize it, so drink water,

After 10-15 minutes in the hot water, do a cold plunge if available, if not then a cold shower, the cold water after the hot, improves circulation and improves energy, anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes of cold water does the trick

Do this cycle of hot water then cold 2 or 3 times, if you have high blood pressure or medical issues, you should probably skip this

Hot springs are very relaxing, do things to enhance this relaxation, such as deep breathing, gentle stretching, or even yoga

Just to be safe, don’t get the water get into your nose, the brain eating amoeba is very rare but possible, the nasal passages are the way it enters the body

To get even more minerals, snack on a few pieces of dried seaweed, such as nori

Don’t shower at the end, leave the mineral water on your skin for more absorption

Rest after hot spring soaks, they can leave you tired.

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