hot springs etiquette

Hot springs etiquette

First thing to consider is clothing.  Unless otherwise noted, most hot springs require some clothing.  A swimsuit is the usual choice.  You might also want to consider sandals, as the area around the pool and the pools floor itself  might be slippery. 

Other things to consider

-most people come here to relax, so keep your noise level down so others can relax

-Glass is always a bad idea at any hot spring, even if it isn’t forbidden.  One broken glass or bottle and the whole pool has to be drained and cleaned to prevent anyone from getting cut. 

– food is generally a bad idea too, eat before or after so you don’t mess up the water. 

-clean up after yourself, leave no trace that you were there, the next soakers don’t want to see your trash

-pets are not usually allowed, no one wants to be soaking in dog hair. 

-always shower and clean yourself before you get in the water.  The water is for relaxing, not cleaning yourself

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